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Workshop I


The first workshop:

New Themes, New Styles in the Eastern Mediterranean (5th–8th Centuries): Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Encounters,

has beeen held in Oud Poelgeest Castle, Oegstgeest, the Netherlands (13-15 December 2012). (Directions to Oud Poelgeest: click here.)

The workshop, as is reflected in its title, builds on and aims to revisit the following two seminal articles by Prof. Averil Cameron:

  • ‘New Themes and Styles in Greek Literature: Seventh-Eights Centuries’, in A. Cameron and L. I. Conrad (eds.), The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East: Problems in the Literary Source Material (Princeton, 1992), 81-105;
  • ‘New Themes and Styles in Later Greek Literature – A Title Revisited’, in Scott Fitzgerald Johnson (ed.), Greek Literature in Late Antiquity. Dynamism, Didacticism, Classicism (Aldershot, 2006), 11-28.

The main subject of New Themes, New Styles… will be addressed by focussing on sub-themes such as apocalyptic literature, chronography, exegetica, and art/material culture. Some of these are due to be continued and expanded in the following workshops in Oxford, Berlin, and Budapest.

The said workshop will host some 30 invited participants. Its programme includes some 10 sessions in total.

See also:


