Workshop IV: Participants




Christoph Markschies (Berlin)

New Insights from the Research on the Catenae: On the History of an Ancient Genre


Markus Asper (Berlin)

Doing Commentaries, Ancient and Modern


Franziska Naether (Leipzig/N.Y.)

The Christian Interpolation of the Sortes Astrampsychi. Late Antique Lot Oracles in Context


Simon Danner (Berlin)

Bild- und Textakkumulation – der Apokalypsekommentar des Beatus von Liébana


Gilles Dorival (Marseille)

What does the offspring of the Catenae reveal about their genre?


Franz Xavier Risch (Berlin)

Beobachtungen zum quellenkundlichen Wert der Psalmenkatenen


Cordula Bandt (Berlin)

Kompilator oder Komponist: Ein Einblick in die Arbeit der Psalmenkatenisten


Barbara Villani (Berlin)

On the Catena on the Psalms by Nicetas: Composition, Sources and Background


Mathilde Aussedat (Paris)

Rewriting phenomena in the two types of exegetical catenae on Jeremiah: The example of the commentaries of Theodoret of Cyrus


Bas ter Haar Romeny (Amsterdam)

The Composition of the Catena on Genesis: The Author and His Interests


Cor Hoogerwerf (Amsterdam)

The Creation of Mankind and the Image of God in the Fragments of Theodore of Mopsuestia’s Commentary on Genesis


Emiliano Fiori (Berlin), Maya Goldberg (Amsterdam)

Between Handbook and Catena: The Unique Character of the East-Syrian Commentary in Diyarbakir 22


Matthias Schulz (Vienna)

Catenae Manuscripts in the Coptic Orthodox Tradition and an Overview on Catenae in Arabic and Ethiopic


Yury Arzhanov (Bochum)

Collections of moral sentences of Greek philosophers in Syriac monastic anthologies


Ute Pietruschka (Halle)

Christian Arabic and Syriac miscellanies: Composition and arrangement of florilegia and popular philosophy (in absentia)


Christopher Melchert (Oxford)

Form, Function and History of the Hadith Collections as a Literary Genre 


Charlotte Roueché (London)

Using compilations: The state of the question


Hagit Amirav (Amsterdam)

The Systemization of Knowledge as a Social Phenomenon: Origins and Practice